Project members

The project acitivities would be realised by two institutions: University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology as Lead Beneficiary (LB) and Univeristy of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences as Project Partner (PP1). The program requires a very close and active co-operation between project members with different mother tongues. Therefore, most of the acitivties would be promoted using bilingual way (HU-SRB) or international language (ENG).


University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology (SZTE)

The Lead Beneficiary, as one of the most important research and educational centres in Hungary, has participated in numerous cross-border projects. Its different applied geoscience research in the public interest are important and recognized in Central-Europe. The project team members are representing the elite of the environmental, climatological, human comfort and informatics research.

The Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology has diverse educational and research profile. Its research focuses on urban climate and human bioclimate, but investigations are ongoing in landscape ecology and pollen dispersal topics too.


Role of LB:

Developing the concept of the site selection for the monitoring network elements. Determination of the representative sites of the stations of urban climate networks in the Szeged urban area based on UHI patterns and the developed climate zone classification maps. Installation of urban climate station networks in the urban area. Development of the data processing and display system. Collection of data and online visualization of the spatial patterns of T, RH and comfort index. Promotion the main goals, activities, results and benefits for the local community. Organizing the opening conference and a seminar for stakeholders of the project.


The members of the LB are:

Éva Kosztolányi, project manager

Dr János Unger, lead scientist

Dr Gál Tamás, researcher

Dr Gulyás Ágnes, researcher

Csépe Zoltán, software developer

Julianna Bajmócy, financial manager



University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF)

The University of Novi Sad is one of the leading academic and research institutions in Serbia. The University of Novi Sad holds a rich experience gained by participating in cross-border projects, and has been recognized in the region as a reliable partner institution which invests considerable effort in advancement and affirmation of international cooperation, involvement in the process of university reforms in Europe, and research of applicable innovations.

The Climatology and Hydrology Centre and the Centre of Spatial Information of Vojvodina Province participate in the project on behalf of the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF). Institution owns thermo-hygrometer HD2101.2 (Delta OHM, Italy), topographic maps at 1:25000 scales, GIS software (ArcGIS9.2), GPS equipment (SatLab SL500 GNSS receiver, Algiz-7 Tablet PC mobile control unit), computer equipment (iMac i5, MacBookPro13, 3 PCs), photo equipment (Nikon D70s; Nikon D700; objectives Distagon T1.4/35 ZF2, Planar T1.4/85 ZF2, Makro-Planar T 2/100 ZF2).

Role of PP1:

Determination of the representative sites of the stations of urban climate networks in the Novi Sad urban area based on UHI patterns and the developed climate zone classification maps. Installation of urban climate station networks in the urban area. Collection of data and online visualization of the spatial patterns of T, RH and comfort index. Promotion the main goals, activities, results and benefits for local community. Organizing the seminar for stakeholders and closing conference of the project.

The members of the PP1 are:

Dr Vladimir Marković, project manager

Dr Stevan Savić, researcher

MSc Daniela Arsenović, researcher

MSc Dragan Milošević, researcher


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